Have you heard me talk about the benefits of sending a video in an email?
Have you ever wondered… “yeah but what about you, David? Where are your videos?” So here you go!
Below is a quick video on “how I got started podcasting” (best viewed on a desktop):
How I got started podcasting was:
In 2016, I experienced a shift in worldviews about work after moving to New York from San Francisco
In 2017, I went through a career shift. As part of this tougher transition, I started working on multiple things as “I figured things out.” Accidentally, I really liked this new way of working, as I didn’t have all of my eggs in one basket like I did before.
In 2018, some people were curious about my way of working and wanted to talk with me about this. I later learned about The Podcast Fellowship. And so, starting a podcast seemed like an interesting way to better learn about this new way of working and living, and to share it with others.
So in 2018, I took the podcasting cohort-based course and it changed my life…..
Starting projects can be thrilling. Keeping them going can be hard…. So, here is a video on “why I keep going” podcasting for 5+ years now!
The reasons why I keep going are:
Identity: After podcasting for a little bit and then serving as a coach in The Podcasting Fellowship, I *became* a podcaster. This identity encouraged me to keep publishing new episodes, even when it felt hard.
Skills: Throughout the 5+ years, I have continued to learn new skills. Learning is fun!
Agency: It’s been very empowering to wake up and think “what’s the next episode going to be?” And then work on trying to make that happen!
Opportunities: my last 4 jobs/gigs have come organically and over time from relationships developed through the podcast! 🙏
Making friends: Through the interviews and recently with hosting 25+ Podcast Mixers, it’s been an incredible way to meet new people and/or deepen my relationships with existing friends!
Okay… so enough about me! Please reply back and share with me about your personal project: 1) how it got started and 2) why you keep going! 👋
Portfolio Career Podcast Episodes
🎧 #291: Writing A Book Without Booze with Tawny Lara
In this episode, you will learn about:
Tawny’s new book called Dry Humping on dating and relating without booze
internal courage vs liquid courage
how to think about emotional intimacy via trust and communication
working on building a life that you want, compared to what you think you are supposed to do
🎧 #290: Life-Changing Books
In this Podcast Mixer episode, you will stories about how a book changed someone’s life! The books mentioned are: How to Do the Work by Dr. Nicole LePera, Work: A Deep History, from the Stone Age to the Age of Robots by James Suzman, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, and No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert A. Glover.
That’s it for now!
~ David Nebinski who would love to hear about your project!
PS: the NYC Chief of Staff Summit this week was amazing. The next one is in Chicago on 11/16! You can learn more and apply here if you want!
PPS: prior podcast guest, Jelena, next’s Growth Celebration Lab is in NYC on 11/4. You can learn more here if you want!
Great post, David, and love the video touch!
I relate to many of your points, especially how:
• moving cities (and countries) can shift your worldviews
• identity-based habits are a gamechanger
• fun it is working on multiple things at once
Thanks for sharing and inspiring us with your journey! And congrats on 5 years of podcasting. I'm 2 years into my newsletter and excited to see where it'll be 3 years from now. 🎉